Software Engineering Project Essay

13 Dec 2022


The only source of knowledge is experience.
- Albert Einstein

To carry on Einsteinsʻ quote, this pertains to the knowledge of a my ICS 414 Software Engineering assignment that I was given in my Fall 2022 semester. The class set me up for success by gaining experience of a real project. I say this because I finally got the general skills of what Iʻd experience if I was tasked with a project when I actually get a job in Software. At the beginning of the semester, me and my fellow classmates were given an assignment by the Hawaii DOE.

The Assignment

The Hawaii DOE wanted to update their outdated legislative bill tracking system to something more modern. To complete this, I was assigned to a group of 8 group members. Throughout the semester, we were required to complete a total of 5 milestones each around 2-3 weeks long. We used Github to collaborate with each other and assign tasks for ourselves, when you picked up a task you were tasked to complete it and assign another one. However, the problem with this is that some members had a difficult time completing a task because of the lack of experience or the occasional something came up or I canʻt work on it as much since I have work. Regardless of the lack of experience, this is a common behavior that I believe Iʻd have to face when I am on a real team for a real company; with that being said, I worked together with my team and learned that we can finish this project together.

Final Thoughts & Lessons Learned

Because of this, I learned that when working in a team sometimes youʻll have those members that canʻt participate because of personal reasons and thatʻs okay. As long as, they can communicate and ask for help or let another member know that I have to drop this task because itʻs too difficult then thatʻs totally normal. The main important thing is that NONE of my members gave up, we peservered because of that and we got the job done by our final 5th milestone. Finally, I believe that this class ICS 414 Software Engineering has prepared me for the real world and such I think that if any wants to gain the knowledge and experience to utilize in the workplace or on a project-based team assignment you should take up a class like this one that will challenge you.